Why aren't we told the truth?
This page will discuss some of the various reasons as to why the majority of
people are being kept hidden from the truth over the extraterrestrial nature
of UFO's. I will discuss several of the best 'reasons' for secrecy that could
account for why the truth is still being hidden.
Technological/Defence Implications
With an estimated annual spend of over 400 billion dollars for the purposes
of military research and development by countries of our planet it must be
obvious that any nation that can 'leapfrog' technology can obtain
substantial rewards. Any nation that can reproduce the capabilities that the
various UFO's display would put simply rule the planet.
Now if any nation managed to obtain alien technology it is very unlikely that
they would admit this as it would then come under the scrutiny of scientists
all over the world and hence every nation would be able to exploit the new
found technology. This would be in a similar way that nuclear technology is now
being developed in over 20 countries.
The other problem with obtaining alien technology is that it is probably several thousand
years in advance of anything that we have here on Earth and that we would probably
not understand how it worked anyway. Imagine giving one of today's Personal Notebook
computers to Isaac Newton. Would he be able to work out how a microprocessor
worked, I think not. Even the most brilliant of our scientist would have a job trying
to reverse engineer this technology.
So the nation who had obtained this technology would probably 'sit' on it until
slowly their scientists could unravel the mystery of the alien technology.
Many people have claimed, (Bob Lazar being the most famous), that this is indeed
the case and that the US government does indeed posses this alien technology and
are, as we speak, trying to reverse engineer it. There have also been several claims
that the US government is actually flying around in alien spacecraft although not
fully understanding the propulsion technology behind it. (see the CASH/LANDRUM case)
This to me anyway is probably the main reason why we have not been told the truth
Social Upheaval
Although the governments would not like to admit that the reason for hiding the
truth is money and power it is probably the case. The reason next most commonly
given is that of the tremendous upheaval of society. This excuse has been used
by many of the military personnel who have come forward over the recent years.
However, there are some valid reasons the this excuse. Obviously one of the
first things that will need re-thinking is that of religion. Nearly all religions
that I am aware of see the Human race as the only intelligent race in the universe.
Some even go so far as saying that we are the only race and planet with life on.
Most religions at first would not accept the truth if it were indeed made public,
but slowly they would need to recognise the fact and modify or abandon their religions
for new ones.
Another problem with releasing the truth is that the 'fragile' money markets
of this world would probably collapse initially, wiping billions of dollars
off of shares and stocks. After a while however this should slowly improve as
the threat of 'invasion by Martians' decreases.
Many scientists would also need to change their theories of space travel and
look at the concepts of Space and Time, Gravity, and Magnetism all over again
as I am sure that these 3 areas of science have missed some important aspects
of each of these which allow the propulsion and travel to remote parts of the
universe in very short time spans.
Embarassment of not knowing the full picture
Another of the reasons that they are keeping the information from the public is
that maybe they don't know enough about the situation. If the government were
to release to the public that aliens existed and that they had recovered alien
technology they would then be hit by a barrage of questions.
The Government would not be able to answer all the questions and in the eyes
of the public they would appear 'weak'. The public could start to lose faith
in a Government that could no longer protect them from the alien presence.
The military spending would be harder to justify due to the fact that no matter
how much they spent on improving their weapons and systems, they would never be
a match for an alien civilisation many years in advance of our own.
The U.S military would be very reluctant to lose just one cent of their annual
They have learnt the evil truth !
A more worrying reason that we are not being informed is that the Governments
know exactly why the aliens are visiting us but the reason may not be too our liking.
If the Governments know that the aliens purpose is an evil one, in our eyes, then
we are probably better off not knowing.
Maybe the Governments know that the aliens are abducting it's citizens and
mutilating it's cattle but they are powerless to do anything about it due to
the superior technology that the aliens undoubtedly posses.
Informing the public of this fact would cause major panic and concern and a lose
of faith in the Governments.
My feelings are that if the aliens are friendly why not tell us ?
They don't know the truth
The last reason that I will put forward here is that the Governments don't
know what's going on, so they can't tell us. Maybe the Governments are being
truthful when they say they don't know.
It may be a case of only a few select people who know the complete picture. Why
tell elected people who are only likely to be in office for an average of 8 years
the truth about UFO's and aliens. Would they be able to keep the secret once their
term of office ends ?
The people who probably know what's going on are unlikely to be public figures,
many researchers feel that there is probably a 'Black Projects' or Government
within a Government that control the data. This was used as part of the MJ-12 hoax
documents. Although the documents were proved to be hoaxes, the information contained
within them are generally regarded as being fairly close to the truth. The MJ-12
documents describe a very top secret group of 12 people who co-ordinate all things
Please EMAIL me with your thoughts and theories